Fresh article on Clarnium Journal:. How do Web3 games attract more Web2 gamers. Article keypoints:.

30 Aug 2023, 14:30
🔥Fresh article on Clarnium Journal: 🤔How do Web3 games attract more Web2 gamers? ⚡Article keypoints:⚡ 🕹️What strategies are @Planetix0 , @realfevr , @codyfight , @ApeironNFT and @Green_Beli employing to attract Web2 audience? 🕹️What are the main ways to mass adoption of Web3 gaming? 🕹️Why do Web3 games need more players than crypto-enthusiasts? ❗️BTW, some experts we surveyed believe there is no need to focus intensely on converting Web2 users. Learn why: